How to feed a parrot

Parrots are one of the favorite birds among lovers of exotic birds, both for their intelligence and their extreme beauty. Although we may think that they are complicated to care for, nothing could be further from the truth. However, among all their needs, it is crucial to know what parrots eat. It is precisely the diet that is key to their physical health as well as a good part of their emotional well-being. Continue below to know how to feed a parrot.

Despite being animals that have been in our homes for decades, there is great popular ignorance about what parrots eat. At first, we might think that they all eat seeds and don’t need anything else. However, it is essential to know that the diet of birds must meet the specific needs of each species. And, even though we may think that all parrots are the same, the reality is quite different. Each species has its own needs based even on their place of origin.

Due to the importance of their health, it is worth learning in depth what our animal needs. This is a way to provide them with a balanced and complete diet that allows them to live fully.


Bellows are the required constituent and the right proportion:

  1. Pellets, the basis of what parrots eat

They are the basis of the diet of these birds at home. Parrot pellets make up 50% of their diet but, despite their composition, they cannot make up the entire diet. These preparations mainly contain seeds and cereals, as well as other nutrients rich in vitamins and minerals.

Pellets for parrots

Although they are an important part of their diet, pellets for parrots should be supplemented with other foods. Discover their composition here.

In general, most parrots pick and choose from the pellets that they like and tend to throw away the rest. Therefore, it is a good idea to observe your animal’s preferences to find the most suitable pellets for them.

  1. Fruit, a fundamental food for their health

In the wild and given the habitats they originate from, parrots consume fruit daily. In captivity, this food should not exceed 20% of their total diet. Strawberries, watermelon, apples, peaches, and apricots are some of the fruits that we can consider for our regular diet. Others, such as bananas or melons, should be less frequent, never exceeding three servings a week.

As important as choosing the right fruits and ensuring they are not toxic is the need to alternate them. Parrots eat better when there is no routine in their diet.

  1. Vegetables, another essential in their diet

Crucial. They should represent the same percentage as fruits and follow the same pattern of alternating to prevent them from getting bored. In this category, we can offer them green leafy vegetables, spinach, chard, pumpkin, and carrots.

  1. Legumes, a little pleasure that they usually love

They are the great unknown in terms of what parrots eat, but curiously, they find them simply delicious. Chickpeas, lentils, or black beans cooked are ideal for them; but we can also consider another option. There’s nothing like knowing how to make homemade sprouts from these legumes and offering them. They will enjoy it a lot!

  1. Other foods that we can incorporate

Let’s go with some proposals that go beyond the usual! Rice, fresh cheese, pasta, or eggs can be occasional treats that we can include in their diet. We say this occasionally because we must consider these as real treats for them, and it’s not good for their health to overindulge.


Ensuring that our parrot is well-fed is not complicated but it does require a deep understanding of what their diet should be. This is something that should not be overlooked as it has a direct impact on their health. Feeding our animals incorrectly, either by not providing a variety of foods or because they are low in nutrients, can cause a good number of ailments. These diseases will be reflected mainly in their beak and plumage and will force us to take measures such as going to our exotic veterinarian as soon as possible.

Although, as we said, it is important to know the specific needs, in general, what parrots eat is governed by a well-defined structure. The diet of these birds in captivity emulates what they would eat in their natural state in the tropical areas they originate from. Therefore, and far from the prejudice that they only eat seeds, for our bird’s food to be balanced, it will have to include different types of food.

Moreover, let’s keep in mind something else. Parrots, for the most part regardless of their size, are omnivorous animals. While it is true that the bulk of their diet is based on plant-based nutrients, let’s not forget that they also eat insects and other invertebrates. 

We believe you have learned how to feed a parrot from this article. Let’s hear from you in the comments section below. We’d like to get your thoughts.

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